Tag Archives: mmr

Protecting kids who can’t be vaccinated

unvax kidw PIDD

It’s no secret that I’m an unabashed and staunch supporter of vaccines.  Man’s most influential medical accomplishments: vaccines, antibiotics, and water purification have all contributed to lengthening human life by reducing infectious disease.  The public health implications of vaccination aren’t questioned–epidemiological data clearly show that vaccines work. Continue reading Protecting kids who can’t be vaccinated

How MMR helps your immunity remember

measles rash
measles rash

For many years, we’ve known that measles virus infection messes with your immune system.  During infection, you are at greater risk of infections caused by other pathogens because measles thwarts the proper immune attack.  At the same time, your body makes a long-lasting response to the measles virus. This is often known as the “measles paradox”.

Continue reading How MMR helps your immunity remember